

1.氏名 黒澤 裕子 Yuko Kurosawa / 講師

2.学位 博士(栄養学),修士(栄養学)


1. 浜岡隆文,黒澤裕子,藤岡正子,筋力および運動パフォーマンス増強素材,機能性スポーツフードの開発,矢澤一良編集,株式会社シーエムシー出版,2013,39-46.
2. Hamaoka T, Homma T, Murakami M, Kime R, Nagasawa T, Ueda C, Kitahara A, Samejima M, Ichimura S, Kurosawa Y, Sako T, Murase N, Katsumura T. Non-invasive monitoring of changes in oxidative metabolism in healthy and diseased muscles. In: Exercise, Nutrition, and Environmental Stress, H. Nose, et. al.(eds.), Cooper Publishing Group USA, 2003, 101-127.
3. Kurosawa Y, Katsumura T, Hamaoka T, Sako T, Shimomitsu T. Effects of oral creatine supplementation on muscle energy metabolism during dynamic grip exercise. In: Guanidino Compounds in Biology and Medicine 5, Clark JF, Mori A, Ishida M (eds.), Blackwell Science Japan, 1999, 61-65.
4. Hamaoka T, Katsumura T, Nishio S, Osada T, Sako T, Higuchi H, Kurosawa Y, Shimomitsu T. Oxygen supply and utilization in exercising human skeletal muscle. In: The 1997 Nagano Symposium on Sports Sciences, Nose H, Nadel E, Morimoto T (eds.), Cooper Carmel, 1998, 94-101.
5. Kimura N, Katsumura T, Hamaoka T, Kurosawa Y, Shimomitsu T. Changes in skeletal muscle oxygenation in isometric exercise at varying intensity. In: The 1997 Nagano Symposium on Sports Sciences, Nose H, Nadel E, and Morimoto T(eds.), Cooper Carmel, 1998, 126-131.
6. Sako T, Iwane H, Hamaoka T, Shimomitsu T, Katsumura T, Higuchi H, Kurosawa Y. Quantitative measurement of skeletal muacle metabolism by nearinfrared continuous wave spectroscopy (NIRcws). In: Non-invasive optical diagnosis, Chance B, Tamura M, Zuo H, Sakatani K (eds.), Magazine office of China-Japan friendship hospital Beijing, 1997, 29-35.
7. Hamaoka T, Shimomitsu T, Katsumura T, Nishio S, Murase N, Osada T, Sako T, Higuchi H, Kurosawa Y. Relationship between muscle oxygenation and muscle energetics. In: Microcirculation Annual 1997, Tsuchiya M, Asano M, and Sato N (eds.), Nihon-Igakukan Tokyo, 1997, 137-138.
8. 川合ゆかり, 岩根久夫, 高波嘉一, 勝村俊仁, 黒澤裕子,藤波襄二,身体運動時における血清ビタミンEの動態について,ビタミンE研究の進歩IV,ビタミンE研究会(編),共立出版株式会社, 1994, 20-24.

1. Morales H, Lu A, Kurosawa Y. Variable MR and Pathologic Patterns of Hemorrhage after Iodinated Contrast Infusion in MCA Occlusion/Reperfusion Model. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (in press).
2. Nirengi S, Homma T, Inoue N, Kurosawa Y. Assessment of human brown adipose tissue density during daily ingestion of thermogenic capsinoids using near-infrared time-resolved spectroscopy, 2016, J Biomed Opt ;21(9):091305.
3. Nirengi S, Amagasa S, Homma T, Kurosawa Y. Daily ingestion of catechin-rich beverage increases brown adipose tissue density and decreases extramyocellular lipids in healthy young women, 2016, Springerplus 5(1): 1363.
4. Goto M, Nirengi S, Kurosawa Y. Effects of the drop-set and reverse drop-set methods on the muscle activity and intramuscular oxygenation of the triceps brachii among trained and untrained individuals, 2016, J Sports Sci Med;15:562-568.
5. Kurosawa Y, Nirengi S, Homma T. A single-dose of oral nattokinase potentiates thrombolysis and anti-coagulation profiles, 2015, Sci Rep;5:11601.
6. Homma T, Hamaoka T, Osada T, Kurosawa Y. Once-weekly muscle endurance and strength training prevents deterioration of muscle oxidative function and attenuates the degree of strength decline during 3-week forearm immobilization, 2015, Eur J Appl Physiol;115(3):555-563.
7. Hasegawa Y, Ijichi T, Kurosawa Y. Planned Overreaching and Subsequent Short-Term Detraining Enhance Cycle Sprint Performance, 2015, Int J Sports Med 36(8):666-671.
8. Morales H, Lu A, Kurosawa Y. Decreased infarct volume and intracranial hemorrhage associated with intra-arterial nonionic iso-osmolar contrast material in a middle cerebral artery occlusion / perfusion model, 2014, Am J Neuroradiol 35(10):1885-1891.
9. Kurosawa Y, DeGrauw TJ, Lindquist DM. Cyclocreatine treatment improves cognition in mice with creatine transporter deficiency, 2012, J Clin Invest 122(8):2837–2846.
10. Suofu Y, Clark JF, Broderick JP, Kurosawa Y. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 or -9 deletions protect against hemorrhagic transformation during early stage of cerebral ischemia and reperfusion, 2012, Neuroscience 212:180-189.
11. Ohmori F, Hamaoka T, Shiraishi K, Kurosawa Y. Low-volume strength and endurance training prevent the decrease in exercise hyperemia induced by non-dominant forearm immobilization, 2010, Eur J Appl Physiol 110:845-851.
12. Kurosawa Y, Lu A, Khatri P. Intra-arterial Iodinated Radiographic Contrast Material Injection Administration in a Rat Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion and Reperfusion Model: Possible Effects on Intracerebral Hemorrhage, 2010, Stroke 41:1013-1017
13. Ohkubo M, Hamaoka T, Niwayama M, Kurosawa Y. Local increase in trapezius muscle oxygenation during and after acupuncture, 2009, Dyn Med 8: 2.
14. Homma T, Hamaoka T, Murase N, Kurosawa Y. Low-volume muscle endurance training prevents decrease in muscle oxidative and endurance function during 21-day forearm immobilization, 2009, Acta Physiol (Oxf) 197:313-320.
15. Lu A, Kurosawa Y, Luskey K. Hemorrhagic profile of the fibrinolytic alfimeprase after ischemia and reperfusion, 2009, Neurol Res 31: 209-214.
16. Matsumura M, Ueda C, Shiroishi K, Kurosawa Y. Low-volume muscular endurance and strength training during 3-week forearm immobilization was effective in preventing functional deterioration, 2008, Dyn Med 7: 1.
17. Kimura N, Hamaoka T, Kurosawa Y. Contribution of intramuscular oxidative metabolism to total ATP production during forearm isometric exercise at varying intensities, 2006, Tohoku J Exp Med 208: 307-320.
18. Hamaoka T, Kurosawa Y, Osada T. Oxygenation and energetics of the human skeletal muscle during elevated energy demand, 2006, J. Exerc. Sci. 16:13-23.
19. Kimura N, Hamaoka T, Kurosawa Y. Quantitative measurements of aerobic/anaerobic ATP production rate during submaximal isometric exercise, 2004, Adv. Exerc. Sports Physiol.10(1):15-24.
20. Motobe M, Murase N, Osada T, Kurosawa Y. Noninvasive monitoring of deterioration in skeletal muscle function with forearm cast immobilization and the prevention of deterioration, 2004, Dyn Med 3: 2.
21. Hamaoka T, Osada T, Murase N, Kurosawa Y. Quantitative evaluation of oxygenation and metabolism in the human skeletal muscle, 2003, Opt. Rev.10(5):493-497.
22. Kitahara A, Hamaoka T, Murase N, Kurosawa Y. Deterioration of muscle function after 21-day forearm immobilization, 2003, Med Sci Sports Exerc 35:1697-1702.
23. Hamaoka T, Katsumura T, Murase N, Kurosawa Y. Muscle oxygen consumption at onset of exercise by near infrared spectroscopy in humans, 2003, Adv Exp Med Biol 530:475-483.
24. Kurosawa Y, Hamaoka T, Katsumura T. Creatine supplementation enhances anaerobic ATP synthesis during a single 10 sec maximal handgrip exercise, 2003, Mol Cell Biochem 244:105-112.
25. Sako T, Hamaoka T, Higuchi H, Kurosawa Y. Validity of NIR spectroscopy for quantitatively measuring muscle oxidative metabolic rate in exercise, 2001, J Appl Physiol 90:338-344.
26. Kimura N, Katsumura T, Hamaoka T, Kurosawa Y. The effects of different intensities on oxygen availability during isometric handgrip exercise under arterial occlusion, 2001, J Phys Fit Nutr Immunol 11: 40-45.
27. Hamaoka T, Katsumura T, Murase N, Kurosawa Y. Quantification of ischemic muscle deoxygenation by near infrared time-resolved spectroscopy, 2000, J Biomed Opt 5:102-105.
28. Hamaoka T, Katsumura T, Murase N, Kurosawa Y. Exercise induced improvement in muscle oxidative function in young females measured by 31phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS), 1998, Jpn J Appl Physiol 28:359-367.
29. Hamaoka T, Iwane H, Shimomitsu T, Kurosawa Y. Noninvasive measures of oxidative metabolism on working human muscles by near-infrared spectroscopy, 1996, J Appl Physiol 81:1407-1410.

1. 大久保正樹,浜岡隆文,村瀬訓生,黒澤裕子,近赤外分光法を用いた鍼灸刺激による筋血液量測定についての検討,2006,脈管学46:37-43.
2. 江崎和希,武政徹,長田卓也,黒澤裕子,膝伸展運動時の共同筋内における筋内酸素飽和度の相違,2003,脈管学43:327-330.
3. 黒澤裕子, 勝村俊仁, 浜岡隆文,クレアチン経口投与が血清クレアチン濃度?骨格筋クレアチン酸濃度?局所筋パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響:31P-MRSを用いた評価,1998,体力科学 47(3):361-366.
4. 小宮山高士,細井温,安原洋,黒澤裕子,近赤外分光法を用いた血管疾患の機能的診断法,1997,血管無侵襲診断法研究会誌17:9-10.
5. 浜岡隆文, 岩根久夫, 勝村俊仁, 黒澤裕子,ヒト前腕筋の光学的特性についての検討,1997, Therapeutic Research 18(7):148-152.
6. 浜岡隆文, 岩根久夫, 勝村俊仁,黒澤裕子,運動時および回復期における筋酸素動態とエネルギー代謝の同時測定,1996,Therapeutic Research 17(6):149-152.
7. 黒澤裕子,石川和子,極端なプラスとマイナスのエネルギー出納が若年女性の糖,脂質,タンパク代謝に及ぼす影響,1996,日本栄養?食糧学会誌 49(4):187-196.
8. 桑森眞介, 岩根久夫, 浜岡隆文, 黒澤裕子,前腕の運動時における活動筋の酸素化ヘモグロビン?ミオグロビン濃度およびリン酸化合物濃度と細胞内pHとの関係,1995,体力科学 44(4): 465-474.

1. 黒澤裕子,浜岡隆文,クレアチンと認知機能,2016,腎と透析80(5):769-772.
2. 浜岡隆文,黒澤裕子,筋構成蛋白質と筋エネルギー代謝,2016,腎と透析80(5): 622-627.
3. 浜岡隆文,江崎和希,黒澤裕子,スポーツ?健康増進と近赤外光,2008,光と医?食?農 39-44.
4. 浜岡隆文,江崎和希,黒澤裕子,筋力増強のための機能性食品,2008,Functional Food 2(3):268-274.

1. 2015年度, 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C), 注意欠陥多動性障害はどのように発症するのか:クレアチンを標的とした機序の検討, 代表
2. 2015年度, 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C),骨格筋エネルギー代謝からみた効果的な有酸素トレーニング法の検証 , 分担
3. 2014年度, 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C), 青?壮年期における健康づくり行動のエコロジカル研究, 分担

1989 年 3 月  同 上     卒業
1989 年 4 月 女子栄養大学大学院栄養学研究科修士課程栄養学専攻 入学
1991 年 3 月  同 上     修了
2000 年 4 月 女子栄養大学大学院栄養学研究科博士課程栄養学専攻 入学
2002 年 3 月  同 上     修了

1991 年 4 月 188bet体育_188bet亚洲体育-在线*投注 衛生学公衆衛生学教室に研究助手として勤務
2003 年 4 月 女子栄養大学栄養学部保健栄養学科(非常勤講師、兼務)
2005 年 3 月 同上退職
2005 年 12 月 188bet体育_188bet亚洲体育-在线*投注 衛生学公衆衛生学教室 研究助手 退職
2006 年 1 月 アメリカ合衆国シンシナティ大学医学部へ脳研究のため留学(Post Doctoral Fellow)
2011 年 7 月 同上から帰国し、専門研究員として立命館大学スポーツ健康科学部に勤務
2015 年 9 月 同上退職
2015 年 10 月 188bet体育_188bet亚洲体育-在线*投注 健康増進スポーツ医学分野に特任助教として勤務
2015 年 11 月 立命館大学スポーツ健康科学部 客員協力研究員(兼務)
2016 年 4 月 188bet体育_188bet亚洲体育-在线*投注 健康増進スポーツ医学分野に助教として勤務
2017 年 4 月 188bet体育_188bet亚洲体育-在线*投注 健康増進スポーツ医学分野に講師として勤務

1996 年 1 月 Best Poster Award of the 2nd Congress of Asian Federation of Sports Medicine(共同)
1999 年 10 月 優秀論文賞(日本臨床生理学会、共同)
2007 年 2 月 Post Doctoral Award at the Cincinnati Translational Neuroscience Symposium(筆頭)
2014 年 11 月 Grand Prize Award for Poster Presentation at the 2nd Korea-Japan Physical Therapy Joint Conference(共同)
2015 年 5 月 Best Poster Award of the International Creatine-2015 Conference(筆頭)
